BE the CAUSE is the individual giving program for the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy. Thank you for your past gifts, and thank you to those who will be supporting BE the CAUSE this year. You are the best of the best; fundraisers who are also philanthropists!
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Here is why AFP Triangle members give:
- Because I want to advance the issues that affect our profession.
- Because ethical and effective fundraising builds trust with potential donors.
- Because the next generation of fundraisers will carry on my life’s work.
- Your gift to the BE the CAUSE campaign helps to advance the fundraising profession by supporting your chapter and your Foundation.
- Your gift helps to support Professional tools and resources like the AFP Online Knowledge Center and the AFP Ethics Assessment Inventory.
- Research to increase knowledge of philanthropy for effective fundraising practices.
- Scholarships for education and training programs, and leadership development.
A portion of every donation you make to BE the CAUSE comes back to our chapter to support important programs and events. Learn more at AFPFoundation.org.