National Philanthropy Day (NPD) is a celebration of philanthropy—giving, volunteering and charitable engagement—that highlights the contributions that our neighbors who are active in philanthropy have made to our lives, our communities and our world.
NPD was original conceived of and organized by Douglas Freeman in the 1980s. The first official events were held in 1986, when President Reagan signed the official NPD proclamation. The day provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of charitable giving and all that is has made possible. NPD celebrates the selfless contributions individuals and organizations make to countless causes and missions around the world.
While celebrated globally, NPD is also a grassroots movement to increase public interest and awareness of the importance of philanthropy. NPD showcases effective philanthropy, inspiring new ideas and initiatives that strengthen our community.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
The Frontier
800 Park Offices Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Celebrate philanthropy in the Triangle! Honor those people whose philanthropy makes a difference to North Carolina.
It’s easy! Simply describe how your nominee has contributed to the quality-of-life in the Greater Triangle Area through philanthropic initiative. That’s it. Just ONE question. Take up to 500 written words or a 90-second video — to tell your story.
Nominations are now closed!
Excellence in Philanthropy: Honor an individual, couple, family or group whose philanthropy is exemplary.
Outstanding Young Philanthropist: Honor an individual or a group of individuals age 21 or younger who demonstrates extraordinary service to a community or a cause.
Outstanding Philanthropic Organization: Recognize a corporation, non-profit, religious or other organization having demonstrated consistent investments in the community, and/or innovative and impactful approaches to solving community problems.
Outstanding Fundraising Professional: Honor an outstanding professional who works for a nonprofit, charitable organization, and shows commitment to the fundraising profession, knowledge of the industry, and leadership attributes. They must also be a current AFP member.
National Philanthropy Day is an opportunity to highlight your organization’s charitable activities with a wide audience of investors, donors, partners and the community at large. More than two hundred of those most active in the Triangle region’s vital philanthropic community come together for this event, celebrating contributions of philanthropy to the enrichment of our world.
Presenting Sponsor (1 available) – $1,500
• Sole presenting sponsor of National Philanthropy Day
• Name and logo recognition on event materials, including signage, event program, press releases, nomination materials,
AFP website, newsletter and social media
• Acknowledgement from the podium during the program
• Five minutes of podium time to address the audience on a topic related to National Philanthropy Day as it pertains to your
charitable practices and interests in the community
• One seat on panel of judges
• 10 complimentary tickets to the NPD event
• Visibility with an audience of 200+ community and business professionals and major philanthropists
Awards Sponsor (4 available: Excellence in Philanthropy, Outstanding Young Philanthropist, Outstanding Philanthropic Organization, Outstanding Fundraising Professional) – $750
• Name and logo recognition on event materials, including signage, event program, AFP website and social media
• Acknowledgement from the podium during the program
• Opportunity to present your sponsored award during the NPD program
• 8 complimentary tickets to the NPD event
• Visibility with an audience of 200+ community and business professionals and major philanthropists
Nominee Sponsor – $500
• Name and logo recognition on event materials including the event program, AFP website and social media
• Name recognition on nominee certificates
• 5 complimentary tickets to the NPD event
• Visibility with an audience of 200+ community and business professionals and major philanthropists
National Philanthropy Day Sponsor – $250
• Name and logo recognition on event materials including the event program, AFP website and social media
• 2 complimentary tickets to the NPD event
• Visibility with an audience of 200+ community and business professionals and major philanthropists