We’re celebrating a milestone! Chartered in 1987, the AFP NC Triangle Chapter is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. We will honor the silver anniversary of our chapter during our annual celebration of philanthropy in the Triangle, the National Philanthropy Day awards luncheon on November 15th at Prestonwood Country Club in Cary. I hope you will join us to mark this very special occasion.
Together with an outstanding board and engaged membership, I have endeavored to keep our strong, active chapter going strong this year. In June, the board welcomed an AFP International chapter services director for our chapter’s biennial site visit. We were commended for AFP Triangle’s innovation and responsiveness, and the loyalty, activity, and involvement of our members. These are among the qualities that distinguish us among all AFP chapters. This distinction is echoed in a congratulatory letter received from AFP International President and CEO, Andrew Watt, which I hope you will enjoy reading.
Looking back on all the good that our professional community of fundraisers has done collectively through this chapter since 1987 – education programs, mentoring, scholarships, networking, recognition of philanthropic excellence, and more – I know that we are standing on the shoulders of the past-presidents, board members, committee members and members who for twenty-five years have kept AFP Triangle robust and relevant. Whether you have been active as a chapter member, or have served as a committee or board member, please make plans now and join us on November 15th to celebrate philanthropy and honor the 25th anniversary of your AFP Triangle chapter!
PS – If you’re interested in sponsoring or hosting a table at this very special event, contact NPD Chair Amy Daniels.
Genevieve R. Joseph is President of the AFP Triangle Chapter.